Bibliografia nazionale italiana
Ministero della Cultura

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Scheda classi

Serie: Tesi di dottorato

Fascicolo: Gennaio-Dicembre 2016

Macro instrumented indentation test for structural materials2016-480T
Mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) e glioblastoma multiforme2016-308T
Managing death2016-45T
Manufacturing execution systems for lean, adaptive production processes2016-710T
Marcatori biochimici nelle malattie neurodegenerative2016-381T
Mathematical models of ice stream dynamics and supraglacial drainage2016-639T
Matrix cooling systems for gas turbine nozzles and blades2016-484T
Measurement of Β (τ -> lγνν, l = e,μ) at BABAR2016-211T
Measurement of the diboson pp -> WW + WZ production cross section and limits on the anomalous triple gauge couplings at [radice] s2016-208T
Measures of spike train synchrony2016-281T
Mechanical characteristics and clinical behavior of zirconia restorations2016-463T
Metabolic reprogramming in lymphomas2016-376T
Metabolomic markers of liver damage and their changes during the advancement of hepatic disease2016-342T
A methodology and framework for model-driven dependability analysis of critical embedded systems and directions towards systems of systems2016-13T
Methods and indices for monitoring and optimization of extra virgin olive oil production2016-705T
Methods and mathematical models for the optimization in logistics and production2016-489T
Methods for a genome-wide analysis of DNA promoters2016-197T
Metodiche protesiche a confronto2016-454T
Una metodologia centrata sui casi d’uso applicata alle misure nell’ambito dei sistemi informativi aziendali2016-510T
MHD numerical models for the dynamics and non-thermal emission of pulsar wind nebulae2016-190T
Microbial β-glucosidase genes in soil2016-654T
Microbial protease encoding genes in soil2016-653T
Microneedles for minimally-invasive transdermal medical applications2016-290T
MicroRNA fingerprints in juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia (JMML) identified miR-150-5p as a tumor suppressor and potential target for treatment2016-345T
Migratory behaviour and genetic variation in western populations of the stone curlew Burhinus oedicnemus (Charadriiformes, Burhinidae)2016-262T
Mild cognitive impairment su base vascolare e transizione a demenza2016-406T
Minimal data set ecocardiografico dedicato all’arruolamento dei pazienti nell’ambulatorio dello scompenso cardiaco2016-387T
Mining microbiomes2016-244T
MIR-132/212 deletion prevents effects of binocular visual experience in mouse visual cortex2016-36T
MiRNA expression in primary myelofibrosis2016-385T
Le misure alternative alla detenzione nell’esecuzione penale2016-126T
Le misure cautelari a tutela dei crediti tributari2016-120T
Il mito dell’artista e dell’opera in Le chef-d’œuvre inconnu di Balzac2016-718T
Il mito e la mitologia nell’opera leopardiana2016-753T
Mixed modulation format for future optical transmission systems2016-596T
Modeling and simplification methods for machine tool dynamics prediction in high speed milling2016-712T
Modelli manifatturieri a confronto2016-63T
Modelling and simulation of silicon nanowire-based electron devices for computation and sensing2016-553T
Modelling of radionuclide transport in groundwater and subsoil for safety assessment studies2016-618T
Modelling techniques and rocking analysis for historic structures2016-629T
Models and methods for automated underwater object detection and recognition by means of fluorescence LIDAR2016-611T
Models of social networking and information diffusion in future internet cyber-physical environments2016-532T
La modifica dell’imputazione nel processo penale2016-127T
Modificazioni della saliva in relazione ad interventi di prevenzione, rilevate mediante l’impiego di test salivari (CRT bacteria e salimetrics) e della T.E.N.S.2016-359T
Modulation of human cell proliferation through biomaterials and xenobiotics2016-330T
Molecular and bioengineering tools for muscle regeneration in physiological and pathological conditions2016-238T
Molecular bases of antibiotic resistance in commensal and pathogenic bacteria from resource-limited countries2016-351T
Molecular basis of resistance to β-lactams in gram-negative bacteria isolated from distinct clinical setting2016-372T
Molecular methods for the analysis of microbial communities2016-255T
Monitoring CO₂ fluxes and partitioning of soil respiration in a Mediterranean forest ecosystem2016-229T
Monitoring turfgrass species by ground-based and satellite remote sensing2016-646T
Montale nel Paradiso delle donne e degli snob2016-758T
Morphological investigation of tongue coated biofilm2016-304T
La morte nelle tragedie di Alessandro Manzoni come catarsi intellettuale2016-754T
Il movimento cibernetico statunitense2016-53T
Multichannel/multistatic inverse synthetic aperture radar2016-605T
Multi-channel techniques for 3D ISAR2016-602T
A multidisciplinary approach to study the effects of balneotherapy and mud-bath therapy treatments on fibromyalgia2016-364T
Multi-level meta-modeling architectures applied to eHealth2016-528T
Multilevel modeling and architectural solutions for emerging technology circuits2016-585T
Multiobjective optimization of MPLS-IP networks with a variable neighborhood genetic algorithm2016-3T
Multiphase flow modeling and numerical simulation of pyroclastic density currents2016-494T
Multi-target tracking and facial attribute estimation in smart environments2016-512T
Mycobacterium tuberculosis genomic adaptation to intracellular life2016-425T
Salvetti, Federica.
Multi-channel techniques for 3D ISAR : doctoral thesis / Federica Salvetti ; supervisors: Marco Martorella, Douglas A. Gray, Fabrizio Lombardini. [Pisa], 2015.
   1 volume : ill.
   Sul frontespizio: A thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of doctor of philosophy, dottorato di ricerca in telerilevamento, Scuola di dottorato in ingegneria Leonardo da Vinci, the School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering. In testa al frontespizio: Università di Pisa, University of Adelaide. 
Altro autore:   
   Università di Pisa
   University of Adelaide
621.382       ING-INF/03

BNI 2016-602T